We are doing a super sale for this Saturday’s show! Tickets only $5 to see FATSO JETSON, Disastroid, El Padre El Don featuring Sean Wheeler! Limited available!! Cheers!! @followers #doorstonowhere #fatsojetson #seanwheeler #stonerrock #desertrock
Fatso Jetson, DoorsToNoWhere, Disastroid , Sean Wheeler w/ El Padre El Don
Desert legends Fatso Jeston with Doors To No Where & Disastroid. Also, Sean Wheeler(Throw Rag) With El Padre El Don
Santa Cruz!! Let’s get rad!! See you all Saturday for this banger! FATSO JETSON Disastroid The Blue Lagoon #SantaCruz #doorstonowhere #stonerrock #fatsojetso #desertrock #heavypsych @followers Fatso Jetson w/ Doors To No Where, Disastroid and El Padre El Don with Sean Wheeler